The plant is known as Ashvattha in Sanskrit and is commonly referred to as the Sacred Fig Tree or the Pipal Tree.
Botanical Name
Ficus religiosa Linn
Regional Names
- Bengali: Ashvattha
- Gujarati: Pipalo
- Hindi: Pipal
- Marathi: Pipal
- Tamil: Arashamaram
- Telugu: Ravichettu
- English: Sacred Fig Tree, The Pipal Tree
Classification (Gana)
Bhavprakash Nighantu: Vatadi Varga
Sushruta Samhita: Panchvalkal Gana
Charak Samhita: Mutrasangrahaniya Mahakashaya
External Morphology
15-20 meter high tree
Useful Parts
- Stem Bark
- Leaves
- Leaf Bud
- Fruit
Important Phytoconstituents
- Beta-Sitosterol
- D-Glucoside
- Vitamin-K
- Methyloleanolate
- Stigmasterol
Rasa Panchak
- Rasa: Kashaya, Madhura
- Guna: Guru, Ruksha
- Virya: Shita
- Vipaka: Katu
Therapeutic Indications
- Vranaropana: Wound-healing
- Sothahara: Anti-inflammatory
- Mutrasangrahaniya: Treats excessive micturition
- Shukrala: Aphrodisiac
- Pramehahara: Anti-diabetic
- Yonirogahara: Useful to treat vaginal infections
Therapeutic Uses
- Kustha: Bark paste is applied with water in skin diseases.
- Sweta Pradara: Bark decoction is useful as douch in leucorrhea.
- Prameha: Bark powder with warm water is useful in high blood sugar.
- Powder: 3-6 gm
- Decoction: 40-80 ml
- Panchvalkal Kwath
- Mutrasangrahaniya Kwath
Adverse Effect
Not Known
Remedial Measures
Not Required
Not Required