Latthe Education Society's Acharya Deshabhushan Ayurvedic Medical College And Hospital Bedkihal-Shamanewadi, 591214

Department of Dravyaguna Vigyana


Overview of Kuchala

Kuchala, also known as Strychnos nux-vomica, is a plant with various traditional uses. Commonly referred to as Nux Vomica, its seeds and root bark are utilized in different therapeutic applications. Below is a comprehensive overview of this drug.

Basonym of Drug

Main Synonyms

Regional Names

Botanical Information

External Morphology

A 15-20 feet high tree.

Useful Parts

Important Phytoconstituents

Rasa Panchak


Therapeutic Indications

Therapeutic Uses



Adverse Effects

Long duration and high dosage can cause dizziness, stiffness, convulsions, liver failure, breathlessness, and even death. Symptomatic treatment is advised during an emergency.

Remedial Measures

The antidote for Kuchala is Paribhadra (Erythrina Variegata). The purification process involves removing the outer skin of seeds, boiling in cow milk for 7 days, sundrying, frying in ghee, and then making into powder.