Basonym of Drug
Main Synonym
- Kalinga
- Kauto
- Vatsaka
- Vrikshaka
- Girimallika
- Pandurdruma
- Shakrashakhi
- Mallikapushpa
- Yavaphala
- Indrayava
Regional Name
- Gujarati: Kado
- Hindi: Koreya, Kuda
- Malayalam: Pandhra Kuda
- Tamil: Kodagapala
- Telugu: Kakakodise
- English: Kurchi, Conessi Bark
Botanical Name
Holarrhena antidysentrica / Wrightia tinctoria
- Streekutaja (Wrightia tinctoria)
- Pumkutaja (Holarrhena antidysentrica)
Classification (Gana)
- Aacharya Charaka: Kandughna, Arshoghna, Stanyasodhana, Asthapanopa Mahakashaya
- Aacharya Sushruta: Haridradi, Lakshadi, Aragvadhadi, Pippalyadi Gana
- Aacharya Vagbhata: Aragvadhadi, Pippalyadi Gana
External Morphology
15-20 meter high tree
Useful Parts
- Seeds
- Leaves
- Stem Bark
- Flower
Important Phytoconstituent
- Connessimine
- Conkurchine
- Holarrhine
- Kurchine
- Holacetine
- Beta-sitosterol
Rasa Panchak
- Rasa: Tikta, Kashaya
- Guna: Laghu, Ruksha
- Virya: Shita
- Vipaka: Katu
Therapeutic Indication
- Kandughna (treat pruritus)
- Kusthaghna (useful in skin disorders)
- Deepan (appetizer)
- Atisarahara (anti-diarrheal)
- Grahanihara (anti-dysenteric)
Therapeutic Uses
- Atisara - Seed and bark powder with buttermilk or honey is useful to treat diarrhea.
- Kandu - Bark powder with Khadira Churna is applied with Kanji to the itching area for relief.
- Jwara - Decoction of bark with Katuki Churna and rice gruel is beneficial in fever.
- Bark/Seed Powder: 3-6 gm
- Decoction: 50-100 ml
- Kutajaghan Vati
- Kutajadhyavaleha
- Kutajarista
Adverse Effect
Not Known
Remedial Measure
Not required
Not required