Latthe Education Society's Acharya Deshabhushan Ayurvedic Medical College And Hospital Bedkihal-Shamanewadi, 591214

Department of Dravyaguna Vigyana

Nagavalli (Betel)

Basonym of Drug

Nagavalli (Betel)

Botanical Name

Piper betle



Betel Leaves in Indian Tradition

Medical Qualities of Paan

Effect on Doshas

Therapeutic Action

Indications of Nagavalli (Betel)


Side Effects

Morphology, Chemistry, Nutritional Value


Perennial aromatic creeper. Leaves are glossy, green, heart-shaped, and deeply veined.

Chemical Constituents

Piper betle contains chavibetol, chavicol, hydroxychavicol, diosgenin, eugenol, allylpyrocatechol, methyl eugenol, triterpenes, and β-sitosterol. Betel leaves yield essential oil.

Nutritional Value

Contains thiamine, riboflavin, carotene, fiber, vitamin C, vitamin A, potassium, calcium, iron, and iodine.

Ayurvedic Medicines with Nagavalli Ingredient