Basonym of Drug
Main Synonym
- Kinshuka
- Parna
- Yagniya
- Raktapushpaka
- Ksharshrestha
- Brahmavriksha
- Vatapotha
- Samidwara
Regional Name
- Bengali: Palasha Gach
- Gujarati: Khakharo
- Hindi: Dhaka, Palash
- Tamil: Palashu
- Telugu: Modugu
- English: The Forest Flame
Botanical Name
Butea monosperma Koen. Ex Roxb
External Morphology
5-15 meter high tree
Useful Parts
- Stem bark
- Leaves
- Seeds
- Gum
Important Phytoconstituent
- Butin
- Monospermoside
- Palasonin
- Coreopsin
- Palasitrin
- Monospermine
Rasa Panchak
- Rasa: Tikta, Katu, Kashaya
- Guna: Laghu, Snigdha
- Virya: Ushna
- Vipaka: Katu
Therapeutic Indication
- Grahi (Reduces excessive secretions)
- Krimighna (Anti-helminthic)
- Deepana (Appetizer)
- Arshoghna (Anti-haemorrhoidal)
Therapeutic Uses
- Krimi: Seed powder with buttermilk is beneficial for vermifuge.
- Kustha: Seed powder with buttermilk is beneficial for vermifuge.
- Amlapitta: Gum is taken with water in heartburn and hyperacidity.
- Seed powder - 1-3 gm
- Gum - 1/2 -1 gm
- Bark decoction - 50-100 ml
- Krumimudgara Rasa
- Palashakshara Taila
Adverse Effect
Not Known