Botanical Name
Zingiber officinale
Scitamineae (Ardraka Kula)
Sanskrit Synonyms of Dry Ginger
- Shunti
- Mahaushadha
- Vishva
- Vishva Bheshaja
- Nagara
- Vishvaushadha
- Shrungavera
- Rahuchatra
- Ushana – Hot in nature
- Katugranthi, Katubhadra – Has pungent taste
- Shunti – Used in Kapha Vataja Vikara
- Ardhraka – Causes more salvation
- Nagara – Habitat in Nagar Pradesh, best among Katurasa
- Visha – Fast assimilation like Visha
- Shrungavera – Irritant properties
- Avaakchathr – Leaves bent like Chathri
- Ahichathr – Looks like serpent hood
- Katuviddi – Having Katu Rasa
- Katugranthi – Nodes and internodes
- Katuthkat, Katubhed, Katukandh, Katuthoya – Due to Katurasa
- Kaphari and Shoshana – Dries up
- Anupaj – Habitat in Anupa Pradesh
- Ushna – Ushna Gun
Varieties, Distribution, Morphology
- Fresh Ginger: Ardraka, Shringavera
- Dry Ginger: Nagara, Vishwabheshaja
Cultivated almost throughout India
- Height: 2 – 4 feet tall, perennial with grass-like leaves
- Rhizome: Stout and tuberous
- Stem: Erect, leafy
- Leaves: Narrow, linear, lanceolate, 1-2 cm wide, glabrous
- Inflorescence: Spike
- Flowers: Greenish with small dark purple or purplish black
- Fruit: Dehiscent capsule, oblong
- Useful Part: Rhizome
Chemical Constituents
- a-Curcumene
- B-D-Curcumene
- B-Bourbonene
- d-Borneal
- Citral
- D-Camphene
- Citronellol
- Geraniol
- Gingerol
- a-&b-Zingiberenes
- Zingiberol
- Zingerone
- Gingerols
- Paradol
- Gingerone A
- Ginger glycolipids A, B & C
- Gingerdiol
- Gingerone B & C
Medicinal Properties
- Rasa (Taste): Katu (Pungent)
- Guna (Qualities): Guru (Heavy), Rooksha (Dry), Teekshna (Strong, Piercing)
- Vipaka: Madhura (Sweet taste conversion after digestion)
- Veerya: Ushna (Hot potency)
- Effect on Tridosha: Balances Kapha
- Pachana
- Bhedana
- Rochana
- Vrisya
- Dipana
- Swarya
Pharmacological Action
- Externally: Rubefacient, Stimulant
- Internally: Digestive, Gastrointestinal stimulant, Carminative, Stomachic
Part Used and Dosage
- Part Used: Rhizome
- Dosage: Fresh Juice 5-10 ml; Powder 1-2 g; Syrup 2-5 ml in a single or divided dose per day
Fresh Ginger Benefits
Ardraka – Vishva Bheshaja: Usually all spices with a pungent taste are un-aphrodisiac and increase Vata Dosha, except Pippali (Long pepper fruit) and Ardraka (Ginger Rhizome).